Friday, November 20, 2009
One Very Hot Pan+Cooking Wine=No Good For Shorty:0
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Fun Picking Apples
Friday, October 09, 2009
2nd Hand Smoke
These are feelings I have been going through this week with the finding of my grandma being diagnosed with lung cancer yet she has never smoked a day in her life. I want to be frustrated and upset with my family for continuely smoking in her house for years and years, and wonder does it even phase them that they were a factor in my grandma (their mom) getting this disease? Sad to know that this had to happen to her, scared in wondering or knowing this could happen to me even. How long does she have to live, How much suffering will she have to go through before it completely takes over her? Not to be able to be there for her and hear about how much pain she is in, and how sad she is about all of this. Finding forgiveness towards my aunts, uncles who didn't have a care in the world where they lit up.
You see those commercials about second hand smoke and how it can take one's life so easily, but it doesn't truly set in on what they are talking about it until it happens to someone so close to you. I love you grandma, and I pray that God will give you peace and fill you with His comfort during this time.
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Friday, August 07, 2009
Our 1 Year!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
2 miles and Still nothing
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
A Little Dessert in the Morning
Friday, June 05, 2009
8 Things (past due)
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. going to New York to visit my sister
2. building our new deck.
3. hosting a house warming party.
4. being able to eat the yummy vegitabels from my garden.
5. going camping.
6. drinking Cherry Limeades all summer long.
7. floating out on the water with friends.
8. my one year anniversary this year
8 things I did yesterday:
1. had the Best Cherry Limeade with cheddar bites of course
2. went running with my husband.
3. cleaned the house
4. worked
5. sat by the garden and enjoyed the weather.
6. watered the flowers and yard.
7. texted my sister.
8. watched the begining of the NBA Kobe Bryant really that cool??
8 things I wish I could do:
1. Learn how to brew my own beer/wine.
2. attend a wine stomping event.
3. be on the Amazing Race.
4. travel across the world.
5. read my boss's mind
6. be able to name a song and who sang it at the same time:)
7. never have to work again.
8. be able to support my "entire" family in these hard times.
8 shows I watch:
1. House
2. CSI-New York
3. Ugle Betty
4. 24
5. Lost
6. Here Comes the Newley Wes
7. Wipe Out
8. The Mentalist
8 favorite fruits:
1. Strawberries
2. Blueberries
3. Raspberries
4. Kiwi
5. Cherries
6. Watermelon
7. Bananas
8. Pineapple(I really could list more)
8 places I'd like to travel to:
1. Spain
2. Upper East Side of the US
3. England
4. Germany
5. Italy (again!)
6. Ireland
7. Greece
8. all of Upper MI
8 places I've lived:
1. Oklahoma
2. Georgia
3. California
4. Wisconsin
5. Missouri
6. Apple Lane
7. Turquoise Trail
8. Blackhawk Rd.
8 people I'm tagging: not sure how to Tag people, but if I could it would be:
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It is officially the start of Summer Projects to begin! First on the list take down trees in back yard:) I have posted a little video for your entertainment! We still have one more to go, but it was a start. I must say watching your husband up a really tall tree while it is swaying in the end all the while trying to cut it down is just a bit nerve racking. Boyz will be boyz!
We also got our sliding glass door put in a few weeks ago, it makes the dining room look soooo much bigger, it is nice:)
Next on the list is buidling a deck, plant the garden, redo the drive, paint MORE trim for the inside of the house, and replace the steps infront of the house:) Let the Good Times Roll!!
Monday, April 27, 2009
"Can You Keep a Secret"
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Moving Up to 4 Doors...

This will be the first 4 door vehicle either one of us will have owned, we are very excited for it and can't wait to go pick it up tonite!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Greetings From the Future
I finally got to see what the huge big round golf ball looking like thing was at Epcot last week. It was a lot of fun, oh to be a kig again:)
Monday, March 09, 2009
T-2 days and Counting
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The ENT Visit
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Boycott the Valentine's Day madness
Romance is to be savored, sure, but must we spend nearly $15 billion on candy, flowers and other frivolous gifts? There are better (and sexier) ways to show you care.....
Happy Valentines Day!!! I hope you enjoy the article:)
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tonsillitis & Laringitas
Monday, January 19, 2009
Air Popped PopCorn, Cup o HotChocolate and a slice of Carrot Cake!
Friday, January 16, 2009
It truly has been a wake up call for me, I first of all can't imagine the stress and worry it brings on the family of wondering will I have a job tomorrow or how long till I find a new job in this economy. Secondly, I feel like I have been in a little bubble of "the recession thing isn't affecting me" , not worrying about my spending and basically taking for granted what God has blessed me with in my life. Taking for granted my own job, complaining about it and having a bad attitude towards it, I am trying to turn that attitude around but its not an easy thing to do. Going through the rounds of lay offs with my friend and seeing the stress it brings on you and seeing the effects a true lay off has on my own family has truly opened my eyes to what is going on in this world. My heart truly goes out to them and everyone who is going through a layoff. love ya all:)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Winter Fun
Friday, January 09, 2009
Happy New Year Friends
well, 2008 ended pretty good, we went home to MI for Christmas and did my family's Christmas the weekend before. My sister from NY was able to come home and hang out with us. MI was fun, the travel out there not so much. we left MOnday night to miss most of the storm that was heading our way and finished the drive on Tuesday. What a MESS!! I think we saw at least 20+ cars in ditch from Janesville, WI to the Illinois boarder (for those of you that don't know thats about a 45min drive) we did make it safely to MI around dinner time.
They had over 2ft of snow when we got there. We built a huge (over 6' tall) snowman the next day with our niece Emma and her parents. (I will post pictures of him when I remember to bring in the camera) well, 2 days later the snowman was gone:( they had a huge rain storm come through and melted all the snow away...crazy so needless to say we didn't get to play in the snow too much. I think the best part of it all was hanging out with little Emma, Cole and Asher:) they are getting to the age where they are playful and want to hang on to you every moment. Emma and I had pj parties at night, and she adored her uncle Rich, if he wasn't in sight she would go looking for him.
On the house front projects, we are kinda at a stand still till the summer, just working on piddly stuff inside the house. When summer comes along we are planning on putting in a sliding glass door and a new deck!! oh ya and we need to redo our driveway. Fun times ahead!!
well my friends, I will try to post pictures soon. take care for now:)