I got to hear my heartbeat today and then... I heard our little baby's heartbeat! It was the funnest thing to hear ever!! So yes my husband and I will be parents come this September:) It has been fun journey so far. We have this book called Pregnancy Week by Week(I forget author) but each week it tells you how your baby is growing and what parts it is developing. And all along I thought when the sperm met the egg a little baby was formed already....who knew the baby started out as a blob per say and formed day by day to become little one, the things you learn:) I haven't had much of the morning sickness thing, just a little nautious in the morning but goes away. But I do know when I get hungry...I am HUNGRY!! lets just say we have had a few incidents with not feeding me in a timely manner:) I did go out with my mom last weekend and bought my first pair of prego pants and a few shirts. I do have to say I am not to excited about the style of pregnancy lines. the outfits I have seen makes you look like you are back in the 80's or 70's at times...so any suggestions of good places to find cute prego summer shirts is welcomed!! Well here is a picture of our little one at 8 weeks(our dr is great she figured she wouldn't hear the heartbeat then so she did an ultra sound for us) **if you look close enough you can see it's one arm and little eyes**