Saturday, March 31, 2012

18 months and Growing

Ok, I know everyone who has a kid says this, but I will say it anyway...Wow I can't believe our baby girl is growing up so fast!! I know it has only been 18months but a lot happens in that time!!
Her vocabulary is accumulating new words almost daily!! (This would be a pretty long blog post if I wrote all the words down) but here are a few new words she says...luv you, up pease, help pease, close, plate, fork, hungry,coat, & night night, just to name a few. She also has the anatomy of the head down as well; head, hair, eyes, mouth, ears and nose!!
Some of her favorite things to do is color, play with her friends, go for walks, playing at the park, playing outside(morning, noon and night...I often get walked to the door bright and early in the morning by my little girl as she is saying "side, side...go!"), hanging out with daddy, helping mommy around the house, playing dress up, bouncing in her chair, and talking on the phone(even if no one is on the other end)!!
Addison's biggest milestone this last week is going peepee and poopoo on the BIG girl potty!! The first time she walked daddy to the bathroom and pointed at the toilet saying "poo" so he put down her Elmo seat and put her up there and a few minutes later she went potty!! (This is probably TMI but we are just so excited for her and very surprised!!) There were a few other times she let us know she had to go, it is still a learning curve and I'm sure we have a long, long, long way to go before she gets to big girl panties!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Our conversation's lately first thing in the morning and ALL through out the day goes like this...
Addison: Side(outside)
mom: no not yet(when she is asking to go out at 6 in the morning)
Addison: keeys pease---Side(outside)
mom: no you don't need those
Addison: starts to cry and pout like I just crushed her excitment to go outside with the keys!!

I didn't think this was suppose to happen until she turned 16!! She is only 1! We found out today that she can walk up to the car and try to open the car door and then once inside(as you will see below) crawl into the driver seat and place the keys in the ignition!! Oh boy!! We are in TROUBLE!!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Operation Tear Duct(s)

Last December we found ourselves taking our baby girl to the University of MN Amplatz for her first surgery!! She was born with blocked tear ducts and they were stubborn little ducts,  we massaged, and massaged, and massaged them, well let's just say her tear ducts decided they would stay blocked!!
We went on to see Dr. Anderson in November and she recommended we proceed with the probing of her tear ducts to open them up. They say 95% of babies who have this procedure is successful...Our daughter and her ducts decided they wanted to be in the other 5%, where it does not work!! This last week we found out her first procedure did not work and that her tear ducts were too small, which still caused her eyes to be goopy and teary.  The doctor then suggested we have another procedure to put in stints(or some call it tubes, the tubes are the size of fishing line) in her tear ducts to help the opening stay open(they should stay in for 4-6months) So this last Friday we went for round two of operation tear ducts... our day started arriving at the hospital at 9:30am and ended at 2pm with the tubes in!  Addison was a Rock Star!!! She is such a trooper and deffinately knows how to ham it up with the doctors and nurses:)  Her recovery went so well that you wouldn't even know she had them done!! Here are a few pictures of our journey at the hospital:
When we first arrived they had a whole area of toys for her to play with, she even got to color, her favorite was tooling the trains and cars around the track.
She did great with the nurses in pre-op (this is from round one)

practicing with daddy how to breathe through the mask

playing doctor while waiting she was know as Dr. VerStrate this visit(round 2)

daddy and Addison ready to go back for surgery(daddy went back both times)

In recovery, both times she was given popcycles, juice, and her favorite...cookies!! This time she got to watch Elmo on the dvd player they had in her room and she even went home with an Elmo balloon!!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Daddy's Little Girl

Recently the term "daddy's girl" has come very prevalent around our house! It is so fun to see her get excited to see daddy when he comes through the door after a days work, and say "dada, up pease" then give him a BIG hug!! She follows his every step and wants to be right by his side trying to do what he does:) Infact today I asked who she wanted to hang out with daddy or mommy, her answer...DADAA with a big smile!!
going up the ladder to inspect daddy's work

trying to walk in his shoes

her favorite place to be and "trying" to help daddy with his report!

just chillin' with dada

having a little treat and anaylizing daddy's report to make sure it is correct

Saturday, March 03, 2012

A Prayer for My Daughter

I pray that you seek God daily and know in your heart that you were created by Him, that you are His Master Piece. You were fearfully and wonderfully made, blameless before God.  Give her the strength to not fall prey in letting the world define who she is. Help her to see her true beauty and self-worth. My precious baby girl, you ARE God’s creation – beautiful, strong and created with a unique plan and purpose.

You are:

• Created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:27)

• Fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139:14)

• Precious and honored in His sight.(Isaiah 43:4)

• Redeemed and forgiven. (Ephesians1:7)

• A new creature in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

• Holy and blameless before God. (Ephesians 1:4, 1 Corinthians 1:30)

• Chosen by God. (1 Peter 2:9)

• God’s masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)

• Created with purpose to do great works for God’s Kingdom. (Ephesians 2:10)

(this prayer was inspired by a Proverbs 31 daily reading)