Friday, January 25, 2013

Our 'Lil Brody Bear

I am 2 months old today!! I have grown 2 inches and have put on a little weight. I love to smile and coo and ca with you if you let me. Mama says I am the best baby ever and the cutest..ok I might've added that last part, what, I can't help I am so adorable:) ... I have the BEST sister in the whole world, she loves me to pieces, literally, her favorite thing to do is to pounce on me to give me kisses and tries to wake me up by screaming at the top of her lungs..."WAAKE UPPP!!" She knows how to keep mom and dad on their toes that's for sure!
here is a game I like to play often, its called "Caption This Ma":

" don't want to see what happend to the other guy"

"What'chu talkin' 'bout, Willis?"