I went to go visit my sister in New York over Christmas. It was a great time! Getting there and coming home was not so great....lets just say, don't travel over the holidays or at least take a direct flight and no connecting flights!!! Other wise you could be stuck in your connecting destination!! I won't bore you with the whole story. Once I FINALLY arrived in New York we went Trapeze Flying!! It was great!! Yes that is me at the top preparing to jump off that platform and fly through the air anticipating if the guy on the other rope across the net is going to catch me. What a rush!!!

Then my sister had me live the New York life style by taking me out till 2 in the morning!! I was wiped out by the end of the night...or is it just that I am getting older and can't keep up with those youngen's anymore!! Sad! It was fun though we went Salsa dancing with some of her friends!

Although I do have to admit I couldn't go out everynight and party...I can safely say I am not a New Yorker:):) We went ice skating in central park and shopping down in Time Square. Good Times.
Speaking of being old, I also turned another year older bringing me closer to joining the 30yr old club!! oh man..I am still not sure how I feel about this! It was a good birthday though. I went out for Cheesecake with some girlfriends and Rich took me to a nice resturant called the Wild Fire in Enden Priaire, mmmm!! oh ya my boss kinda forgot it was my birthday and so he went out and bought some cup cakes and came back with them and sang me happy birthday. It was funny...it is the thought that counts right!
So over all I would have to say 2006 was a good year. It was very busy, adventurous and well learned. I hope you all have a great 2007!!
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