Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Too Busy

I feel like I have kinda fallen a little with my "God Time" per say. My prayer life is pretty good, but when it comes to sitting down and reading my bible or reading a devotion, I struggle. I feel like I have gotten wrapped up in the cycle called "I am too busy and if I am not at the moment I will find something else to do to busy my time" I know, its horrible isn't it. Then I get a little frustrated cause in the back of my mind I know I should spend more quality time with God and because I don't I feel bad. I think about spending more time with Him... ALOT(does that count?) but I don't do anything about it...I know I could have the strength to over come this bondage I feel, but I just don't have the motivation to do it. Blogger friends, do you ever get in this cycle? How do you deal with it?

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