2. You don't eat your meals, you scarf them down
3. You can go through 5-10 outfits in less than an hour
4. Your new perfume is called "spit up au de par"
5. You can wipe a boogie from your husband's nose with your
hand, not thinking twice about it!!
Ok so maybe not all moms experience this but being I just became a new mom a few months ago this basically sums motherhood up for me. On September 22, 2010 we welcomed to our family Addison Bella.
She is what I have been up to for the last 4 months:) and I am loving every second of it!! She is such a blessing to Rich and I. We love her giggles and smiles, and all of her stern looks. She is now at the stage where everything(literally) goes into her mouth. She is currently working on getting both fists in her mouth while holding onto your fingers:) She loves to talk with you too, its the best. She has been sleeping through the night since month 1!! I don't know how we it did, it just happened. Although she does fight taking a nap and lately she would rather stay up party at night than go to bed!! Where do they get the energy!??!! She is very attentative and has a personality like no other! (I know I am doting on my daughter and making it sound like she is the ONLY adorable baby there is, but doesn't every mom!!)

dote on lil momma dote on :)
she is all that an more. And she already takes on the personality of I will not take no
biff from no one.
That's my granddaughter :)
Congrats! What a cutie!
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