A good friend of mine had made Addison some bibs as a shower gift and I fell in love with them. Not only were they cute but I love the snaps on them. I don't know about you but the velcro on the bibs you get from the store, drives me bonkers!!! After you wash the bib that has the velcro on it, the velcro folds over on you and then irritates the babies neck. Ummmm :-o unless, maybe I am the only one who experiences this....so I set off to find the pattern or one similar and tried my hand at making a few. I succeeded only after I cut and sewed the 3rd or 4th one:) I wont show you pictures of the first few I "tried" making but I will show you the finished product!! Oh here is the link where I found the patteren, they are easy to make, I promise:)