Saturday, January 28, 2012

Betty Crocker in the Making!

Hiee! Momma thinks I am napping... little does she know I snuck into the computer room and found my way to write this post!! Hehee:)
I love helping my mom out in the kitchen...especially getting into the bread drawer(I see she already told you about that in another post) oh and pulling all the pot holders out, and when I can,  rearrange her spice rack(dad put a lock on that draw too so when mom opens it...BAMM! I right there to help her pick out a spice or two!!) 
Now that I am a "big" girl she lets me help her when she bakes yummy food:) The other day she let me help make Rice Krispy Treats!! Who knew they were so easy to make!! Here are a few pictures of me making Rice Krispy Treats with her!! I am such a big helper...
First we measured out the Rice Krispies

                              Then you dump the marshmallows in...

momma says every good cook tastes what they are I had to test out a marshmallow or two!

no worries, momma didn't turn the stove on, she was lettin' me practice stirring!!

The best part....Lickin' the spoon(can't let any of those krispy treats go to waste)


Jes said...

So cute! I can't believe how big she is getting.

The Mac-Trans said...

Oh my goodness, so cute! Love the big goofy smile she's wearing while she's stirring the pot by the stove, hehe!:D