Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Joy Riding

Yesterday Rich and I were off to meet little Martin (he is the newest addition to some good friends of ours) after work and lets just say, it was a trip:) I googled the address that was given to me and printed them off to get us to the hospital, well, lets just say the directions took us to a house that was being newly built. So unless the hospital downsized to a housing development...mmm I not to sure. Well to our knowledge the adventure had just begun:) we started driving around the city of St. Louis Park and later found ourselves on Excelsior(which the hospital is on) so we pulled into the hospital and walked into the building, got on the elevator thinking we were going to her floor and ended up on the Senoir Citizens Ward! I don't think they are having babies on that floor. So we go down a level, nope that was the family practice level and everyone had gone home for the day! So we found ourselves back at the parking ramp and realized this hospital had multiple buildings. We picked up the courtesy phone to talk to the operator to find out which building she was in. Her reply was "you are on the wrong campus of the hospital!" we needed to go back out to Excelsior and go down another 2 miles and she will be at the hospital there. oops! (At this point my lovely husband to be was not very happy with me, I deffinately need to get a map or a gps unit in my car) So we get back in the car and head down the road to see construction is in our way of getting to the hospital! Yipee(note the sarcasm) well after a little detour we made it to the hospital...we walk in and ask the desk guy how to get to her room. We go up to the 3rd floor looking for room 316(this is the room I thought she was in). There is no room 316!! There was 317, 318, 319 and so on...NO 316. We both laugh walk back down the hallway and the nurses could tell we were still lost:) To our knowledge she was in room 336! An hour later we found our friends and met little Martin (the adventure was deffinately worth it, he is so adorable:):)!! but to know we did a complete circle on our drive passing the same resturant we passed on our way to the first hospital site oh about 45 minutes earlier....I got in a little bit of trouble:)

1 comment:

Jes said...

I have sympathy for you in this area....directions are not my specialty! Glad you finally made it there. I've got to get out to see this little guy yet. From his pictures, he sure is a cutie!