Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cancer is SEW DONE! block 1

Well, here is my first try at making a block for a quilt. I joined one of the groups called black w/ a pop of bright and this is what I came up with for my first block. You can't tell by the picture but a few of the seams are off centered and if it wasn't for my dear friend Drea my block probably would've looked more like a triangle or something!! I have a few more to do so we will see how I do on those ones. Here is Drea and I with our first blocks for SEW Done.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Sew Done & Book Club for 2010

Well 2010 is bring new adventures for me. My friend Drea got me started on this new project (anyone who likes to try their hand at sewing can join) it is called Cancer is Sew Done This group sews together all these different blocks to come up with one quilt to go towards rasing funds in the fight of cancer. I am not a huge quilter by the way so this means any rookie sewer could do this. I have yet to make a block yet for this but am looking foward to trying my hand at this block making for the quilts. I will try and post pictures when I get blocks done:) I can't say mine will look like the above but I can sure try:) I not only joined this group to try my hand at block making but with recent family members finding out that they have a form of cancer, it has really hit home a little more for me.

Another adventure I am trying out is a new book club I just joined. We call ourselves the Lovely Ladies Book Club:) We have already made it through our first book called the "Lovely Bones" Overall it was a very good book(I wont go into detail incase you want to read this one), if you can make it through the first chapter or so it is a real inspiring story. I guess they are coming out with a movie on it, so that would be fun to see. I have always wanted to join a book club so we will see how this year goes with it.