Wednesday, April 27, 2011

5 Minutes feels like an Eternity...

...when you are putting down your baby for a nap in her crib for the first time! I know I should've started nap time in the cribs alot sooner, but sometimes I would lay down with my babe for nap time too so it was just easier to take her to bed with me. Although she does sleep in her crib at nights, nap time just happened to be with mom in bed. Addison is 7 months now and thought it would be time to put her in her crib for nap time. She cried and cried and cried some more!! I know there a some parents out that have mixed feelings on how long to let your baby cry before running to pick them up. I just remember reading and having my pediatrician tell me to wait let them cry for at least 5 minutes and then go to their attention. So I tried the 5 minute rule per say and ended up crying myself :o After she finally settled down to sleep I went and checked on her to only hear her little wimpering cries while sleeping :( you know the one...that broke my heart, just thinking about it brings a tear to my eye! So what do you think?? I am not sure it helps that she might be going through seperation anxiety. The rest of the day and even today I couldn't set her down to play while I went to the bathroom or get a glass of water. But as soon as I am back by her side the crying stops! What is a mom to do?!!??

Sunday, April 24, 2011

a few of my favorite things....

mmmm...nothing like waking up to a cup of coffee and strawberries topped off with some Nutella Chocolate!
BUT.... I would have to say my absolute favorite to wake up to in the morning is this....

my little bella babe is such a joy and so much fun. She has the best giggles and cutest smile that could brighten up your day:) She deffinately knows how to fill the room with laughter!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

New Look Same Stuff ;-)

I was inspired by a few of my friends blogs to venture out and try something new. I wouldn't call myself an advid blogger, and I am deffinatly not an expert either:) I have always used your basic Blogger template and changed the background a few I have no clue what I can and cannot do with this new template of mine! I found it on ( I found the link on my friend Nealy's blog) and it was still FREE!! I liked the look of the different columns and you can link your posts as pages(not sure how to do that one yet but sounds cool) plus it seemed like a good challenge for me to figure it out. It might take me awhile(hence why I am not your advid Blogger) but I do enjoy talking through my random thoughts every once in awhile and if I have a good recipe to share with you...I'll blog about that too:)